Get Quick And Free Medication Info On WhatsApp

Get Quick And Free Medication Info On WhatsApp

When it comes to taking medicine, we all want to be informed.

And UAE residents do not need to worry if they’re unsure of medication prescribed by a healthcare professional or chemist as they can get all the info they need via WhatsApp.

With the service being available through the popular messenger app, it means that anyone with a smartphone can access healthcare information from The Ministry of Health and Prevention (MoHAP).

Users can easily inquire about medicines registered in the UAE and get detailed information about each drug, including its name, active ingredients, pharmaceutical form, package size available in the country and retail price.

It’s hoped that by opening this information up to UAE residents patients can make informed health decisions as per their needs and doctors’ directives.

If you want to use the service it’s pretty easy. All you have to do is add the contact on WhatsApp.

Here are the steps to follow:

  • Add number +971 42301 221to your contact list on WhatsApp.
  • Send the message “Hi” to engage directly with the service.
  • You will then be able to view the available options.

While UAE nationals receive free government healthcare, expats living in or visiting the UAE have to pay for all health services. It’s therefore necessary to get medical insurance.

In Dubai, employers are now legally obliged to offer medical insurance for employees.

Depending on your insurance, you may have to pay an excess, a percentage of the consultation fee, or the whole bill and then claim it back later.

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