You Will Be Able To Travel From Dubai Airport To The Palm In Six Minutes

You Will Be Able To Travel From Dubai Airport To The Palm In Six Minutes

With each passing day, life in Dubai is getting more futuristic.

By 2026, the city will be home to flying taxis and even vertical airports called “vertiports”.

These aerial taxis will be speedy little gizmos, with cruising speeds of up to 300 kmph and a maximum range of 241km.

This means that in just three years’ time, you might be able to get from Dubai International Airport to The Palm in around six minutes. And you thought Careem Premier was a fancy way to travel.

The initial launch will connect four areas in Dubai, including Dubai International Airport, Downtown Dubai, Dubai Marina and Palm Jumeirah, according to Arabian Business.

Now for the technical bit. The flying taxi service will use an electric vertical take-off and landing aircraft called eVTOL.

These can accommodate a pilot and up to four passengers, so you can travel with your loved ones hassle free.

There are plenty of positives with flying taxis that go beyond time-saving. Aerial taxis operate with zero carbon emissions and are expected to alleviate traffic congestion on the ground. Sounds like a win on all sides.

According to Duncan Walker, CEO of Skyports, who spoke on Wednesday at the Dubai World Congress for Self-Driving Transport, the aircraft will take off and land on vertiports.

These differ technically from helipads or heliports, which cater to conventional helicopters, and will have distinct size and weight specifications.

A vertiport has the capacity to accommodate multiple drones, necessitating specific spacing requirements between landing and launch pads. Additionally, it is equipped to facilitate the recharging of eVTOLs.

RTA has been working with advanced air mobility companies and the technology will be ready by 2026.

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