World’s Largest Ocean Restoration Could Be Coming To Dubai

World’s Largest Ocean Restoration Could Be Coming To Dubai


Dubai is always planning the next big thing. And this time, it is going to be the shores of the city transformed into Dubai Reefs.

The sea zone will boast a floating living lab for marine restoration and ecotourism that would be the world’s largest — if it comes to fruition.

Dubai Reefs, dreamt up by URB, would be a sustainable floating community for marine research, regeneration and ecotourism, working towards greater protection of the marine and coastal environment of Dubai.

The plans suggest that the project would include the world’s most diverse artificial reef, covering 200 square kilometres that could be home to more than 1 billion corals and 100 million mangrove trees.

Not only that, the project will also include residential, hospitality and retail spaces including floating eco-lodges, wave farms and ocean farming.

Aside from the various leisure and edutainment experiences, building Dubai Reefs is also expected to generate more than 30,000 jobs in a green economy.

With new ideas always being attached to the forward-thinking city, we are excited to see if Dubai Reefs goes ahead.

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