Tropical Cyclone Biparjoy Has Passed And Had No Impact On The Country

Tropical Cyclone Biparjoy Has Passed And Had No Impact On The Country

UAE authorities announced the end of the “tropical situation” that hit the Arabian Sea earlier this week.

In the latest advisory, the National Emergency Crisis and Disaster Management Authority (NCEMA) said the tropical storm that formed off the coast is no longer a threat. It passed through the Arabian Sea without affecting the country, according to the Joint Assessment Team for Weather and Tropical Cases.

Weather monitoring authorities also teamed up with other government entities — including the Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure, and Ministry of Defence — in setting precautionary measures.

The cyclone could be seen forming in the Arabian Sea, from space. Astronaut Sultan AlNeyadi took some photos a few days ago

It has passed the UAE and had no effect on the country. Sadly, it is making its way through India and creating devastating damage.

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