
There Will Be A Micromoon In Dubai Tonight

We all have heard or seen a supermoon, but have you ever heard of a Micromoon? Well, it is actually a thing!

The first Full Moon of 2023, named The Wolf Moon, will be the opposite of a supermoon. It will glow in the night sky over Dubai but it will be at its farthest point from Earth, making it a Micromoon.

If you want to be clued up on astronomy lingo then the name for the farthest point from Earth is the apogee.

The distance between the Micromoon and Earth will be around 252,600 miles.

The First Full Moon Of 2023 Is Said To Be The Wolf Moon

Surely, the distance will affect the brightness and size of the moon but it won’t be a stark contrast when looking with the naked eye.

This is because the perceived size of the Moon is related to the Moon illusion and how close it appears to the horizon.

As for the first Moon of 2023, it is named The Wolf Moon according to The Old Farmer’s Almanac as it was when wolves were expected to be heard.

This week has been all about astronomy geeks in Dubai as the first meteor shower of the year took place on the evening of January 3 and now it’s time for the Micromoon.

Since Dubai has been having cloudy and rainy weather, let’s hope for a clear sky tonight.

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