
The UAE Ranked As The Least Corrupt Arab Country In 2022

The Corruption Perceptions Index Report for 2022 has been released and it’s taking Twitter by storm. The study is certainly an interesting one and slightly surprising.

The United Arab Emirates ranked as the least corrupt Arab country, storing position at 24 out of 180 countries in CPI, during the year 2022. Qatar comes next among the least corrupt countries in the Middle East and North Africa, ranking 31 out of the 180 countries, the index showed.

Saudi Arabia has maintained its position compared to last year, ranking at 52 out of the 180 states, with a score of 53 out of 100 — 0 being very clean and 100 being highly corrupted.

The recognition comes at a time of the countries’ rapid development, as they pursue their ambitious Vision 2030 national agendas.

Libya, Yemen and Syria were at the bottom of the list as the worst performing countries at global and regional levels, ranking 172, 144 and 178 respectively.

The Corruption Perceptions Index, released by Transparency International, is a global corruption ranking that measures how corrupt each country’s public sector is perceived to be.

The total 180 countries are ranked on the basis of a number of best practice indicators, including international standards linked to business ethics.

A country’s score is the perceived level of public sector corruption on a scale of 0-100, where 0 means highly corrupt and 100 means very clean. A country’s rank is its position relative to the other countries in the index. Ranks can change merely if the number of countries included in the index changes.

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