The UAE Is Officially One Of The World’s Hardest-Working Countries

The UAE Is Officially One Of The World’s Hardest-Working Countries


Saying that the United Arab Emirates is one of the most exciting countries is not an overstatement. There’s a whole host of options for things to do, and some of the best bars and restaurants in the world to visit.

Perhaps one of the reasons for that is how hard people work in this country, so it’ll come as no surprise that the UAE is officially one of the hardest-working nations in the world.

According to research put together by Business Name Generator, using metrics such as the average hours worked in each country, the UAE comes third on the global list.

With Malta and Bhutan coming first and second, the UAE was next up on the top eight list – ahead of Bangladesh, Congo, Mauritania, Lesotho and the Maldives.

The findings showed that, on average, people work 52.6 hours per week in the UAE – with 46.5 percent of people working 49 hours or more per week.

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