Passengers Flying On ‘World’s Best Airline’ Will Now Be Weighed Before Their Flight

Passengers Flying On ‘World’s Best Airline’ Will Now Be Weighed Before Their Flight

We are lucky to be in Dubai, with one of the world’s best airports in DXB – packed with cool bars, restaurants and so many shops.

We’re also blessed in that Dubai’s Emirates Airline and Abu Dhabi’s Etihad Airways are both in an official top 10 list of the best airlines on the planet. 

But the overall winner on that list – put together by – could potentially be a trailblazer in more ways than we expect.

In the same week that Air New Zealand was named airline of the year, it has been revealed that passengers will be weighed at the departure gate for safety reasons.

Currently, the measures will only be introduced on flights departing from Auckland International Airport and, for now, Air New Zealand is the only carrier to introduce it. But given that such a highly-respected airline has taken such a step, it could be a matter of time before others follow – particularly if it proves to be a success.

The thinking behind it is that, achieving a better balance of weight across the aircraft is crucial for calculating fuel consumption and making sure everyone is safe. Air New Zealand passengers have been reassured that there is nothing to be concerned about. Your weight will never be visible, either to you or the airline staff, as the data is recorded anonymously.

The move is also entirely optional, as part of a 10,000-person survey being carried out in June and will continue until July 2. Air New Zealand had previously implemented passenger weighing for domestic flights in 2021 but, with international travel resuming after the COVID pandemic, it has been extended.

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