New UAE Traffic Fines Has Been Introduced

New UAE Traffic Fines Has Been Introduced


The United Arab Emirates is getting better at its driving by working on the number of roads, bridges, and safety measures.

Having said that, the country’s impressive safety standards look set to improve further after an announcement from The Ministry of Interior. New traffic fines of up to Dhs2,000 have been announced with the intention of boosting safety, particularly during emergencies related to rainy or unstable weather conditions.

Rain in the UAE is unusual but, when it comes, it does have an adverse impact on road safety – often resulting in national travel warnings.

With that in mind, the new fines will come in when drivers:

  • Gather near valleys, flooded areas and dams during rainy weather.
  • Enter flooded valleys, regardless of their level of danger.
  • Obstruct the relevant authorities from regulating traffic, ambulances or vehicles during emergencies, disasters, crises and rains.

The specific fine costs are as follows:

  • Gathering near valleys: Dhs1,000 fine and six black points.
  • Entering flooded valleys: Dhs2,000 fine, 23 black points and a 60-day vehicle confiscation.
  • Obstructing authorities: Dhs1,000 fine, four black points and a 60-day vehicle confiscation.

The changes have been introduced to “reinforce existing procedures and underline the significance of adhering to instructions and safety requirements”.

It comes after a string of new measures.

In September, digital screens were added to Dubai’s Sheikh Zayed Road so motorists no longer have to predict how long their journeys will take.

And just this week, a new road alert system was launched in Abu Dhabi to warn drivers of upcoming traffic incidents and adverse weather conditions.

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