
Dubai’s RTA Announces Traffic System Upgrade That Will Be Ready Within Months

The Dubai city is always thriving for better, and this time, Dubai’s roads are set for an upgrade with a new traffic system.

Dubai’s Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) is working on rolling out the second phase of the Smart Pedestrian Signals project to ensure that the city’s roads are even safer for pedestrians and drivers.

The project expansion will see 10 new sites boast Smart Pedestrian Signals which comes after the success of phase one, meaning that the number of Smart Pedestrian Signal locations in Dubai will be 28 by 2024.

You may be thinking about its working – well, by combining cutting-edge smart technologies and the Internet of Things, the RTA is on a mission to ensure seamless traffic management and enhance the safety of both pedestrians and motorists in Dubai.

The Smart Pedestrian Signals technology is reliant on sensors connected to a ground optical system synchronised with the signal’s light operation.

The swish technology reads pedestrian movement on the pavement before crossing the street, and while crossing, which means it improved safety for everyone, especially those who need more time to cross.

Not just for pedestrians but also beneficial to motorists, Smart Pedestrian Signals also improve the efficiency of traffic light operations by ensuring better management of signal timing.

Since the introduction of the modern crossing, there have been no pedestrian accidents and the sites have benefited from improved vehicle flow. Dubai will soon become a leading smart emirate.

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