
Dubai Will Have New Traffic Fine System With GCC Link-up

Do you drive in Dubai? If yes, then get ready for some change.

A unified traffic system linking all the Gulf states is being finalised.

So instead of the current structure where the penalties for violations will vary across the region, there will be a flat policy across every nation.

It will also mean that motorists in all GCC countries will be liable for fines on violations committed in any state.

In case it happens, you will be asked to pay the fine from your country of residence upon return – and you will be able to pay via the new linked system.

The new technology will be implemented across Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Currently undergoing finishing touches, the new system will be rolled out later this year.

The move is intended to reduce the number of accidents, while increasing safety standards among motorists and traffic agencies.

Uniformity should also enable better coordination and easy data exchanges among GCC countries. It is the latest in a long line intended to modernise the transport structure here.

In September, brand-new digital screens were installed on Sheikh Zayed Road so drivers no longer have to predict how long their journeys will take in Dubai. The information is clearly displayed in both English and Arabic.

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