
Dubai: Rowers Greeted By 100 Dolphins Off Kite Beach

A team of rowers in Dubai practicing to cross the Pacific in June, where they were greeted by a pod of over 100 dolphins, joining them during an early morning session off Kite Beach.

The team includes Oliver Amos, Paris Norriss, Harry Amos, and Barney Lewis plan to row 4,500km unassisted from California to Hawaii, one of the toughest challenges on earth.

While dolphins and other marine life will become a daily feature of their Herculean challenge next year, it is unusual to see such a big pod in Dubai.

The boys took this event to their Instagram:

“This morning’s early rowing session for our training to cross the Pacific Ocean was pleasantly joined by a giant pod of dolphins just off the coast from Kite Beach in Dubai,” the caption said.

“We spotted over a hundred and they seemed fascinated with our boat and decided to join us in our training, by adding some dolphin acrobatics. It certainly started our day off with a smile.

“We are now in full training for our challenge to row across the Pacific Ocean in June.

“Our boat arrived in Dubai last week and we will be training here until we depart in June.

“The crossing is expected to take us 40 days.”

During their Pacific challenge, the might face physical and mental fatigue, sleep deprivation, salt sores and weight loss.

They will be monitored 24 hours a day by safety teams and race directors to assist in weather routing during their challenge.

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