Dubai Police officer scales the highest peak in North Africa and the Arab world

Dubai Police Officer Climbs the highest peak in North Africa and the Arab world

A Dubai Police officer conquered the highest peak in North Africa and the Arab world.

Ahmed Khalifa Al Muzaina was able to climb the highest peak of the Toubkal Mountain in Morocco, in the Atlas mountain range. It is the seventh highest peak in Africa and the highest in the Atlas Mountains range with a height of 4,167 metres.

Al Muzaina credited his successful climb of Toubkal Mountain to the support, encouragement, and promotion of physical readiness by the Dubai Police. He expressed his appreciation and satisfaction in overcoming all the challenges and completing the mammoth mountain climb in 22 hours.

He indicated that the journey included several difficulties, such as low temperature, oxygen deficiency at the top of the mountain, and low air pressure. However, he overcame these challenges thanks to his physical readiness, pre-preparation, and the practice of hiking to enhance his physical abilities.

“Hiking is a sport that requires high physical fitness, which satisfies the desire for adventure,” Al Muzaina said.

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