
Dubai Becomes Second Most Attractive City For Tourism; Here Is Why

According to the Euromonitor International’s Top 100 City Destinations Index 2022, Dubai is the second most attractive city in the world for tourism.

The yearly index is based on six key pillars, including – economic and business performance, tourism performance, tourism infrastructure, tourism policy and attractiveness, health and safety, and sustainability.

Nadejda Popova, senior project manager at Euromonitor International, stated, “Dubai performed very well in terms of tourism performance, health and safety and has a good standing in terms of tourism policy and attractiveness and tourism infrastructure. Therefore, the city ranked so highly within our Index.”

Paris retaining the first position, Dubai has beaten Amsterdam, Madrid, Rome, London, Munich, Berlin, Barcelona and New York among the top 10.

In 2021-22, travel and tourism sectors bounced back very strongly in the emirate due to ease in Covid-induced travel restrictions.

According to the latest World Travel and Tourism Council, Dubai will record the highest tourist spending among all the cities in the world in 2022, reaching $29.4 billion (Dh108 billion).

Another interesting data released by OAG showed Dubai emerging in five places among the top 10 busiest air travel routes this year.

The Euromonitor study projected that Dubai remains the top city destinations for a second consecutive year in Africa and Middle East.

In 2022, 14 destinations from the Middle East and Africa featured in the Top 100 City Destinations Index, compared to 16 in 2021.

“Dubai has had a stellar 2022 following the revival of the MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Exhibitions) tourism segment post-pandemic and Expo 2020 Dubai,” it said.

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