
Careem To Get Bigger And Better In Dubai

Saying that Careem is part and parcel of life in Dubai wouldn’t be wrong.

From being a ride-hailing taxi service to takeaway food deliveries, and laundary care, Careem offers everything to the people of Dubai. It’s a go-to app for pretty much everyone living or holidaying here.

And the app is all set to become bigger and better than ever before.

The Uber-backed company is in advanced talks with Emirates Telecommunications Group Company (EAND.AE), Reuters reports.

In terms of what that means for us, the details are unclear – but, with more investment, comes the potential for growth and more options for everyone using the app.

So, whether that means more taxis, more food options, or entirely new services – or all of the above with add-ons – remains to be seen. That said, stay tuned to Time Out and we’ll keep you posted with the latest updates as and when they drop.

Careem began seeking outside investors last year to help finance its app.

Discussions with EAND.AE, formerly known as Etisalat, are reportedly going well and a deal could be announced soon.

Uber bought Careem for $3.1billion (Dhs11.4billion) in 2019.

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