All UAE Homeowners Must Install Fire Alarms By September

All UAE Homeowners Must Install Fire Alarms By September


Attention UAE homeowners, you need to know the following home safety rules.

The deadline for all homeowners in the country to install fire detectors is approaching. If this applies to you then it will be a legal requirement to have a fire alarm inside your property from September 2023.

Announced in 2020, it’s not just fire safety equipment that has to be set up but property-owners also need to subscribe to the civil defence e-system.

Owners were granted three years from the approval of the resolution to fulfil the mandate. This means that all homeowners have until September 2023 to make sure they have fire alarms fitted.

The rule is to be applied to all existing residences and those to be built in the future.

Federal or local government departments that issue licences for the construction of residential homes have to make sure that fire detectors have been installed, and that the owner has subscribed to the e-system before handing over a completion certificate.

As for homes of people with limited income, the federal and local governments will cover the costs of installing fire detectors.

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