A Lunar Eclipse To Occur In Dubai On Friday

A Lunar Eclipse To Occur In Dubai On Friday

Fan of stargazing? If so, make sure to keep your eyes peeled on the evening of Friday May 5 as a penumbral lunar eclipse is set to take place.

During the eclipse, you may be able to see the Moon darken but not completely disappear from 6.15pm. The eclipse is expected to peak at around 8.24pm, before ending around 10.32pm.

The lunar event happens when the Moon passes into the lighter outer region of the Earth’s shadow, which is called the penumbra.

When the Moon is within the penumbra, it receives less light from the Sun and is dimmed but still remains partially illuminated.

A penumbral lunar eclipse is usually tricky to see and it’s best to use equipment such as a telescope if you don’t want to miss it.

However, the Moon is expected to be bright on Friday as it will be a full Flower Moon, a May Full Moon that gets its name as it usually coincided with flowers blooming across the globe.

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