5 Planets To Be Visible In Dubai’s Sky Tonight

5 Planets To Be Visible In Dubai’s Sky Tonight

Are you an astrophile? Here is great news for you!

And tonight, March 28, one mega event will be happening post-sunset in Dubai. Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Uranus and Mars will most likely be visible.

You will be able to see Mars with the naked eye, likewise with Venus – which will likely appear higher in the sky, while Mercury and Jupiter, two of the brightest planets, will be seen close to the horizon.

Seeing Uranus will require binoculars.

The last time the five planets lined up was in June 2022.

Another cosmic event is set to take place on Monday April 24 as Mars, Venus, Uranus, and Mercury will then be seen in a 40-degree sector.

If admiring the night sky is something you are fond of then it is well worth noting down that four supermoons will happen this year.

The first will be on Monday July 3, the second will be on Tuesday August 1, the third on Thursday August 31 (which will also be Blue Moon) and the fourth will be on Friday September 29.

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